GeneratePress Theme Review
GeneratePress is the best theme we have every used. It is lightweight and Fast – achieving 1 and 2 second page loads with ease. Tom Usborne the developer and his team are as helpful as any support we seen on any product. They give Canadians their well-deserved reputation of being some of the nicest people on the planet.
Try it for FREE and then extend the theme with the premium module if you like it. There’s a reason this plugin has a 5-star rating on almost 800 reviews.
Why GeneratePress Premium is a great WordPress theme
If you’re looking for a very light weight theme that is a great a framework. The GeneratePress install adds about than 15kb to your page size – that’s not a typo.
- Great value – $49 / on unlimited sites with 40% renewal discount
- Speed – GeneratePress is one of the fastest themes you can buy.
- Support – They really are amazing.
- Compatibility – Designed for major page builders.
- Large User Base – 100,000+ active installations.
- Reviews – Hundreds & hundreds of five star reviews.
- Organized – Many customizer options.
- Site Library – Ready made sites made with or without a page builder to jump start projects.
- Elements & Hooks – add custom code into various areas of the theme without changing core files.
- Simple – No ads or nag boxes in admin area. Ever.
- Documentation – very through documentation. Tip: use Google search and add “GeneratePress” to your query.
- Actively Developed & Updated – Changelog for theme and Premium.
Even more to like from GeneratePress
If you have a little more WordPress skill and like to customize, you can extend GeneratePress easily. It is completely compatible with all well-coded plugins, including WooCommerce. GeneratePress is fully responsive, uses valid HTML/CSS and is translated into over 25 languages. Features include microdata integration, 9 widget areas, 5 navigation locations, 5 sidebar layouts, dropdown menus and navigation color presets.
- A terrific snippet collection of filters at the GeneratePress GitHub.
- We recommend the WP Show Posts plugin (120k).
Try it for Free and then extend it with the premium module if you like it. Have fun!